Frequently Asked Questions
How long is each session, and what do they entail?
The Initial Consultation takes 1.5 hours, but can sometimes last 2 hours. We will be discussing your life from a holistic perspective, which includes long-term and short-term tendencies toward diet, daily habits/routines, relationships , and health concerns you may have. The more open you are with these details, the better I can understand your nature and the more accurate my findings will be.
The first Follow-Up Visit is called the Report of Findings and takes about 1 hour. I will be presenting your Prakruti (original balance), Vikruti (current state of imbalance), guide you through what this means, and recommend a treatment plan.
After the Report of Findings, every Follow-Up appointment is 1 hour. Now that we have a map of your unique nature to work with, the healing can truly begin.
How can I best prepare for a session to get the most out of it?
It all begins with your highest intention. For example, “My highest intention is to be fully present, open, and committed to the healing process.” The most important part of preparation for our sessions is that you show up authentically as you are, with an open mind and heart. Know that my highest intention for our time together is to help you feel as comfortable, grounded, and safe in your experience as possible.
What is the pricing?
Ayurvedic treatment works best as a comprehensive series. This healing modality is for people who are ready to experience true Ayurvedic Health Counseling. For this reason, we offer packages of 5 or 10. Please inquire for pricing details.
How frequently will we be meeting?
Once per week for the first 10 weeks. After that, we can space sessions out, meeting every other week and over time, at the beginning of each season as needed. Space will also be made available for last-minute, emergency sessions.